Corporal Jack Morgan Walker
Jack was born in Cheetham Hill, Manchester England, on 4 October 1922. His parents migrated to Australia arriving in October 1926
When WW11 commenced Jack decided to enlist in the AIF, putting his age forward a couple of years so that he would be accepted.
Jack passed his medicals and on the 6 June 1940 was attached to the 2/5 Australian General Hospital. A newly formed 1200 bed Hospital Unit
On 20 October 1940 Jack sailed out of Sydney Harbour, aboard the Queen Mary bound for overseas duty. He was eighteen years of age.
He celebrated his nineteenth birthday in Greece as a Prisoner Of War, and his twentieth and twenty first birthdays in Poland -- as a Prisoner Of War
Jack was taken as a Prisoner Of War when the 2/5 Australian General Hospital was overrun by the advancing German Army on 27 April 1941, at Ekali in Greece.
In October 1943, aged 21, he was repatriated from the POW camp in Poland, and finally discharged from the Army on 4th August 1945.
This information was given by Jack Walker with permission to use on the 2/5 AGH website.