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Private James Gerard Kettle


Before the outbreak of World War 2, Jim was an active member of the St Johns Ambulance Brigade, with the Government Tramways Department.


So naturally when war was declared, and on the 23 May 1940, he enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces and was attached to the 2/5 Australian General Hospital.


On the 20 October 1940, the Queen Mary sailed out of Sydney Harbour, on board were members of the Australian Hospital Units bound for overseas duty. Jim was one of these people


On the 12 April 1941, the 2/5 AGH had established a 1200 bed hospital at Ekali, a small village in Greece. But due to the rapid advancement of the German Army, the site had to be evacuated. On the 27 April 1941, 157 volunteers who remained behind to tend the wounded were taken as Prisoners Of War. Jim was one of these men.


He was to remain a POW until his repatriation in October 1943, and was discharged from the Army on 19 May 1944



The following photos were kindly loaned to the 2/5 AGH Association – 2005 -- by Jim’s Daughter Pat Bulford -- with permission to reproduce them for the 2/5 AGH Website 

© 2/5 Australian General Hospital

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