Captain Rosemary (Mollie) Nalder (Edwards)
On 27 June 1940 Mollie enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces as a Staff Nurse, and later as Captain Nalder AANS – she served with distinction with the Unit in combat zones.
On the 20 October 1940 – Mollie - aboard the Queen Mary sailed out of Sydney Harbour bound for overseas service. Mollie was one of eighty Sisters – ten Physiotherapists and fifty Doctors, who were assigned to the 2/5 AGH to establish a 1200 bed Hospital Unit on foreign shores.
Mollie was not aware then, but as part of the 7 th Division - she was to participate in the theatres of war in Greece - Crete - Eritrea - New Guinea and Morotai Island.
At the wars end - there were only ten Nurses who had served with the Unit from it’s conception until it’s demise. Mollie was one of these
Mollie was discharged on 14 January 1946. – Having given five and a half years serving her country. This included 1137 days duty away from Australia.
These photos and information were kindly given by Mollie’s daughter Judi Hockey, with permission to copy and reproduce them on the 2/5 AGH Memorabilia Disk, and Unit Website.